Middle Management
Productive Leadership
People Skills
Management Skills: Communication, Delegation, Feedback, etc!
Trust Makes Delegation More Productive
"It's just easier if I do it myself." "Every time I delegate, the work never meets my standard or my expectation." "If they make a mistake then I'll just have to re-do it as well as cop the heat for the mistake and the costs." These, and a lot more, comments are...
What’s your number?
Communication impacts productivity! If you can't be clear, complete, correct AND heard then your message will be missed, deleted or distorted! When information is missed, deleted or distorted you know that can gravely impact productivity. Even if the impact is...
Just, Power and Productivity
Just - just about – I can do just about anything. ALMOST EXACTLY - just as well – It was just as well I didn’t see that other pile of folders. FORTUNATE - just in case – We need to do the call around just in case no one knows. BACK UP - just a minute – Let’s wait...
Listening Impacts Productive Leadership
Him: "He heard you or he hurt you? I didn't quite get what you said." Me: "He heard me." It's interesting how similar these two words sound. When we are not heard we often feel hurt!Many years ago, whilst living in Germany, I struggled to be understood at times,...
5 Quick Delegation Tips for you to be more Productive
Delegation: you either do it well, think you do it well, or have a dozen excuses for not doing it! London business school professor John Hunt notes that only 30 percent of managers think they can delegate well, and of those, only one in three is considered a good...
Reading and Productivity
68% of Australians want to read more. Does that resonate with you? This was found by the Australia Council for The Arts who conducted a study on Australian Book Readers. Interestingly, the top non-fiction reads were autobiographies, memoirs and biographies,...
Productivity ToDo Today!
Did you know? According to surveys conducted by Sasha Cagen, a self-professed To-Do-Listologist (love that title):83%96%51%Prefer the experience of writing their ToDo List with pen and paper! People tend to feel more accountable when the list is in their own...
Benefits of Delegation
I'm very good at delegating - people work much better when they have a real sense of responsibility.Delegating can develop, delight and destress! Done well, delegating has multiple benefits for you, your team and the organisation. The organisation benefits: ...
The Don’ts and Do’s of ToDo Lists!
When you look at your ToDo List do you feel overwhelmed?Overwhelm is a precursor to procrastination. In a productivity workshop, Ben showed me his current ToDo List and the stress of it was written all over his face. With a few strategies put into place Ben's list,...
One Bad Apple’s Impact on Productivity
One bad apple spoils the barrel!What's a bad apple? I was recently asked to come in and run an interpersonal communication and self-leadership session for a team because conflict was on the rise while deadlines were being missed more often and productivity...
Productive Conflict
I’m a fan of criminal shows: Law and Order, Manhunt, Suits (okay, I don’t watch Suits for just the criminal element)! In a Manhunt episode there was a scene with a lawyer and the officer in charge of the case discussing whether they had enough evidence to win and...
Doors Off and Productivity!
On my last trip to the US, I added a few vacation days to check out Sedona. Being the typical tourist I looked for all manner of tours to take to see as much as I could in the few days I had. I found a helicopter ride tour and instantly booked it. I was so excited....