My mum was no micromanager!

When my brother and I were kids, we were told that we had to eat everything on the plate, nothing left, no wastage in our house. And that was a bit of a challenge for us, because there was always (it seemed) peas and carrots.

I hate carrots, and my brother hates peas! What do we do about this when we weren’t allowed to leave the table until those plates were cleared of all the food…

Productive Leadership Lesson:


🥕 Spend time ensuring your people are clear about WHAT and WHY


🥕 Spend less time dictating HOW but being available to support and guide


🥕 Micromanaging can stifle creativity and efficiency


 Extra lesson:


  • Get to know your people so you can ensure you are matching the right tasks to the right people – stop giving me carrots 😉