Last week we covered off the third habit or approach of being a change agent, how did you get on with the tips?

The fourth habit is to be a communicator. Middle managers need to be effective communicators, both up and down the organisational hierarchy. They need to be able to communicate the organisation’s strategy and goals to their teams effectively, as well as communicate their team’s achievements and challenges to senior leaders. Additionally, they need to collaborate with their peers. Middle managers who improve their communication skills and become even more effective communicators will also find their confidence and influence amplify.

As a middle manager, you are the liaison between your team and senior leaders in your organisation. Effective communication is crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Middle managers need to be skilled in upward, sideways and downward communication, meaning they need to be able to INSPIRE their team members through communicating the organisation’s strategy and goals; they INFLUENCE strategy by communicating their team’s achievements and challenges to senior leaders; and they are COLLABORATING with their peers to achieve cost efficiencies, innovative approaches to issues and give and receive peer support.

To be an effective communicator, middle managers must develop their communication skills and be able to tailor their message to different audiences. They must also be skilled in active listening, asking effective questions, and receiving and providing constructive feedback.


Try out these practical tips:

  1. Tailor your message: Understand your audience and tailor your message to their needs and interests. This will help to ensure that your message is received and understood.
  2. Practice active listening: Listen actively to your team members and senior leaders. This will help you to understand their perspectives and concerns, and build trust and rapport. this course may help.
  3. Ask effective questions: Ask open-ended questions that encourage discussion and collaboration. This will help to engage your team members, peers and senior leaders, and promote effective communication and collaboration.
  4. Provide constructive feedback: Provide feedback that is specific, actionable, and constructive. This will help to promote continuous learning and improvement within your team.
  5. Be open to receiving feedback: Ask for feedback so that you can gain different perspectives on work, processes and performance.

By becoming an effective communicator, middle managers can ensure that their team and organisation are aligned and working towards the same goals.

Where can you improve your communication so that you are either more inspirational, influential or collaborative? I’d love to know your thoughts…