7 Nov 2023 | Delegation, General Productivity
lIf you’re like me, you’re no stranger to the constant juggling act that is middle management. Balancing between senior leadership and your team, strategic objectives and day-to-day operations, can be a complex task, to say the least. But today, I want to...
22 Jun 2021 | Delegation, Self Leadership
Nathan admitted to me, “I hesitate to delegate because everyone is too busy to take on more work.” James didn’t delegate because, “No one will do the way I want, to my standard.” Joyce shared with me that she felt like she...
9 Feb 2020 | Delegation, General Productivity, Management Skills
When I was a child, whenever we went out to dinner I’d follow my brother’s lead and fidget. We’d fidget with the cutlery, napkins, condiments … everything. Dad would snap at us but sitting still wasn’t in our nature. Out to dinner one...