Your inner voice matters, can you hear it?

Your inner voice matters, can you hear it?

“You idiot, Sally!” This was my most common self-talk phrase when I made mistakes. I even said it out aloud when I made mistakes. At one level it was a throw-away line but it was, until I learnt better, a message to myself that became a strong and...
Boundaries: do you know yours?

Boundaries: do you know yours?

Last year we watched a house across the street be built, and now this year another house is being built next to that one. As I watch the houses go up I notice that once the framing is up, in comes the team to erect scaffolding… While a roof, walls and...
How do I spark self-leadership?

How do I spark self-leadership?

Dee Hock, Founder of VISA has been attributed with the following quote…   “If you want to lead, invest at least 40% of your time in leading yourself.”   After I mentioned this in a recent keynote speech, someone came up to me and asked: “How do...
Why are boundaries important for leadership?

Why are boundaries important for leadership?

I’ve recently injured my knee. As part of the mending process, I’m working with my Physio to reactivate my vastus medialis oblique! This VMO – inner thigh muscle – it’s just above the kneecap and it helps to stabilise the kneecap when you...
What do you value?

What do you value?

In a recent leadership workshop Karen reached out on private chat and asked me how she could identify her values and how her values link to understanding her value to her team and the organisation. Great questions! Do you know your values? Your values are part of...