Last week, we talked about the importance of networking and why you need a professional network as a Middle Manager. If you missed that, read here.

Today, let’s focus on how to overcome challenges when luck seems scarce. Challenges are inevitable and when the winds of luck seem to blow in the opposite direction, resilience becomes your greatest asset. 

One of the most obvious challenges of middle management is the fact that you are the go-between, intermediary, broker between the top-level executives and frontline leaders / operations. You are literally in the middle of the organisation. Which is how DDI, a global leadership consulting firm, would put it, “A crucial connection point.”

It is crucial because sometimes, Middle Managers like yourself are often neglected and overlooked. You are perfectly positioned in the organisation and you hold a powerful position to make an impact and implement change however, you may not don’t get enough support from your organisation, thus, holding you back from doing tremendous work. Does this resonate with you?

And if that’s not enough, according to Infinite Potential’s 2021 Global Workplace Burnout Study:

“Middle Managers … are reporting the highest levels of burnout within organisations.”

Here are practical tips to help you overcome your challenges and prevent getting burnout as a Middle Manager:

1. Embrace a Growth Mindset

  • View challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Cultivate a mindset that sees setbacks as a natural part of the journey toward success.


2. Set Macro-Goals for Quick Wins

  • Break down larger objectives into smaller, achievable goals. Celebrate quick wins to maintain motivation and create a sense of progress during challenging periods.


3. Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

  • During tough times, the temptation to overwork is strong. However, balance is crucial. Prioritise self-care, set boundaries and ensure your team members do the same. A rested mind is more resilient.


4. Seek Support and Mentorship

  • Connect with mentors or colleagues who have navigated similar challenges. Their insights can offer guidance and serve as a valuable source of support during tough times.


5. Adaptability is Key

  • Foster a team culture that embraces change and encourages flexibility.


6. Clarify Roles and Responsibilities

  • During tough times, ambiguity in roles can lead to confusion and frustration. Clarify responsibilities, ensuring each team member understands their role in overcoming challenges.


7. Strategic Time Management

  • Prioritise tasks based on urgency and importance. Effective time management ensures that crucial issues are addressed promptly, preventing them from escalating into larger challenges.


8. Reflect and Learn from Challenges

  • Conduct a reflective analysis. Identify lessons learned, areas for improvement and strategies that proved effective. This reflective practice contributes to ongoing professional development.

These tips will not only help you overcome obstacles in your role, but also help you create luck and turn them into opportunities for you and your team.

Bruce Springsteen, a famous singer, said: “When it comes to luck, you make your own.”


Amidst the complexities, your ability to overcome challenges stands as a defining attribute of how effective a leader you are. Confidently embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, innovation and transformation so you can foster resilience, confidence and inspire greatness within your team. Remember that the journey to excellence begins with overcoming challenges.

The CONFIDENCE Program™: Middle Managers Mastermind can help you and your team boost your confidence level so you can enhance your leadership skills and self-awareness. Learn more about the program here and if you want to book a chat, let me know.


Next week, I’ll share more about success focusing on ‘Goal-Setting: Balancing Ambition and Realism.’