Double the Results! Halve the Effort!

Face to Face Workshop


Double the results!

Halve the effort!

Do you have more work to do than hours available?

Do you start your work when everyone has left for the day?

Do you have a never ending ToDo List?



In a fast changing work environment you have to continually prioritise what you can actually achieve in a day, week, month or year. It’s impossible to do it all on your own.


You feel it would be easier if you just do it yourself. You want to delegate but don’t know how. You don’t know if you can trust the work will get done to the right standard.


Are you ready to stop drowning, reduce stress, get more done, and go home on time?

Delegate: Double the results, halve the effort.

Let’s chat to book this workshop for your managers and leaders.

  • Everyone is already too busy, I have no one to delegate to.
  • I tried delegating but it all went wrong.
  • It’s just quicker / easier if I do it myself.
  • I’m not sure / confident they’ll do it to my standard.
  • I don’t know what I can actually delegate to my team.
  • If I delegate work away won’t people think I’m being lazy or that I’ll then have nothing to do?
  • I’m too busy to delegate.
  • I don’t want the blame if it goes wrong (again).
  • I tried to delegate once and it left me with double the work. I had to fix the mistakes and then do the whole task again.

“I’m loving the weekly sessions. I get to implement my learning each week and then build on my skills as I go. I’ve learned so much more about delegating than I had ever realised what was needed to make it successful. It’s no wonder I avoided it for so long. This has turned my leadership around.”

These are all common comments made by incredibly astute and smart managers, supervisors and frontline leaders regarding delegation. Underlying these comments is fear and trust: these are normal human conditions that can be turned around when the steps to delegating are known. Managers fear being shown up by others; they have a fear of the unknown – “what will happen?”; they fear who will get the credit, or worse, the blame and the effect that will have on their own job security.

With the ever increasing demand to get more done, in less time, without extra resourcing, delegation needs to be a key skill for any successful manager or leader.

When you can identify the type of delegator, you can then implement the right steps to become a successful leader using delegation for cost effective development and boosted productivity.

According to a study conducted by Gallup CEO’s with high delegator talent generated 33% greater revenue than those with lower levels of delegating skills.

Delegating is still one of the most under-utilised tools in a manager’s skills toolkit. According to a study conducted by the Institute for Corporate Productivity, 46% of the 332 polled companies are concerned with their workers delegation skills, yet only 28% conduct delegation training.

In an article, it noted that 53% of business owners believe they can grow their business by more than 20% if they delegate only 10% of their workload to someone else.

Knowing how to delegate properly now I see how I can discharge work more efficiently; I now work on tasks that are a more appropriate use of my time. Because I engage the team more and use delegation for development they are far more involved, happy and productive. I love caring for my team and patients but managing my team was getting stressful; now that I am so much more confident delegating, my stress levels are down. I love my job!


Nurse Unit Manager

I thought that by telling the team what and how to do tasks was being helpful.I now realise that I was inadvertently impacting moral, performance and productivity. I’m getting so much more out of the team now that I follow Sally’s process.


Station Manager


  • Identify and remove delegation roadblocks.
  • Determine when to delegate, who to delegate to, and who to develop through delegation.
  • Provide each attendee with templates, map and models for successful delegating.
  • Equip leaders with the structure to delegate with ease and confidence.
  • Create a foolproof delegation plan.
  • Explore the strategies that make delegating successful every time; develops your people, and boosts leadership.


  • What is delegation and what it isn’t
  • What type of Delegator are you now and its impact on productivity and profit
  • Delegation Self Assessment
  • The secret to delegation success
  • Skills for Delegating
  • Delegation Decision Map
  • Delegation Plan
  • Delegation Conversation

Couldn’t recommend Sally highly enough. Sally took our after lunch session of our National conference and got the group really going. She was engaging, developed relationships with individuals within the group and even more impressively arrived early to watch our key note speaker to ensure some continuity in the presentations. Thank you Sally for all your work leading up to, during and after the session.

Kiarni Morgans

Sally is the best! I was lucky to work with her on the Productive Leader Seminar on Nov 18th 2018 in Kuwait. One of the most cooperative and professional speakers I have worked with. Not only she is engaging, knowledgeable and interactive during the seminar, but also she is a smooth communicator, understanding and modest when dealing with others. She was very present and responsive from the first contact and contributed in making a very successful event with a very high clients’ feedback. I am glad I had the opportunity to work with her and will never hesitate to work with her again whenever there’s an opportunity.

Abdul-Quom Ali

Vigor Events

What you will receive:

1.5 day workshop:


This face to face workshop is dynamic and interactive, will equip you with the knowledge  skills, plan and confidence to delegate more and more effectively.

The workshop will show you how delegating will do more than execute more work, you’ll see how it can engage and empower your people.

Leaders will gain:

… the skills and confidence to identify and remove delegation roadblocks for yourself and others.

… an understanding of how to use delegation properly for task allocation, execution and employee development.

… strategies to achieve more, to be a more productive leader.

… tips and tools to implement immediately.

… the knowledge and skills to delegate from anywhere.

… the structure that gives confidence to let go, avoid micromanagement and achieve more.

… the skills to ensure delegation stays on track and what to do if it does go off track.



In a changing work environment you have to continually prioritise what you can actually achieve in a day, week, month or year. It’s impossible to do it on your own.

Are you ready to stop drowning, reduce stress, get more done, and go home on time?


Workbook with all course content, extra notes, tips and strategies.

  • Delegation Assessment
  • Delegation Plan
  • Delegation Map


    Let’s chat to book this workshop for your managers and leaders.