Middle Management
Productive Leadership
People Skills
Management Skills: Communication, Delegation, Feedback, etc!
Self-Leadership for day to day management
Nathan admitted to me, "I hesitate to delegate because everyone is too busy to take on more work." James didn't delegate because, "No one will do the way I want, to my standard." Joyce shared with me that she felt like she couldn't' control the situation,...
Do you kick yourself?
Have you ever been in the situation where you were given the opportunity to speak up, to share your ideas, and when the moment arrives you didn't quite hit it as well as you wanted. Despite any and all planning, did you stumble or fumble to get out what you wanted...
Use self-leadership strategies to crush self-doubt!
Self-doubt will naturally pop up from time to time. Even the most confident, well-grounded, people will have moments of self-doubt. Known as imposter syndrome, it's the thoughts that indicate to us that we're undeserving of opportunities and achievements...
What motivates you?
Self-awareness is attributed to success: the more self-awareness one has the greater the propensity for success. "According to research by The Potential Project, self-awareness has a more positive impact on leadership than an MBA. The study evaluated more...
Do you give yourself a hard time?
Have you ever made a mistake that took a long time to get over or let go of? Years ago I played netball, I played a lot of netball, we’re talking a minimum of 3 nights a week and at least 2 games per night. If I made a costly mistake in any game I would replay...
Self-Leadership & Leadership: The best decisions aren’t always the easy ones.
Tara Knight is a mover and shaker in the world of Executive Assistants. I met her a few years ago and have admired how she has been an incredible advocate for EAs and PAs. Tara recently posted an article sharing her recent experience and with her permission I want...
Where are you at?
I turned 50 this year. I was meant to have climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. Thanks COVID! Obviously that's the one part of life where I'm not where I thought, or had planned, to be by now, or at this point in the year. The 13th April, today, we're 103 days into 2021. Are...
How to be more congruent
I had the most blunt, uncomfortable, and best coaching session last week. I was the coachee and I asked my coach help me get to the heart of my priorities around work and exercise. I have always put everyone else first and it would take a lot of effort, focus and...
What did you wish you knew? Delegation!
I’m currently researching and writing my next book: SPARK: Fire up your confidence, influence and courage though self-leadership. In light of world events over the last 12+ months, no one has been left untouched by uncertainty, stress and the need to be agile with...
How does your self-talk help your self-leadership?
When you're in a meeting - face to face or online - do you notice the chatter in your head? Do you start to form a response to what's being said? Does your mind drift onto other priorities, or do you lose focus through boredom? That inner noise might feel like it's...
Whistleblowing and Self-Leadership
I love crime shows, if you're of a similar vintage to me you may know of the show that ran for 26 series, The Bill. I refused to answer a ringing phone on Tuesday and Saturday nights for years ... I was too busy savouring every morsel of The Bill.Recently I've been...
Feedback improves Self-Leadership and improves Leadership
Feedback is a fantastic way to help you understand yourself. You can reflect on what you do and look for the listens that emerge but feedback will enlighten you to what you can’t see about yourself. Feedback can shed light on your blind spots. Feedback can come in...