Over the last week I have had to shift one personal appointment four times. While that in itself is not such a big deal let’s face it, in conjunction with meetings, speaking, facilitating and mentoring commitments, running a business and …well, life, it’s annoying for me and no doubt annoying for the poor person on the receiving end of my rescheduling requests! I’m determined to actually have the appointment so I won’t delete it. It’s important for me to not give up on myself and simply let it go. Consequently, I know I’m more sensitive to this situation because it’s that time of year.
Also, spending time with clients in their workplaces I can feel it, see it, hear it … it’s a cocktail of fatigue; trying to get e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g done before the year’s end; school holidays starting; work and industry end of year events; and Christmas / Holiday pressure ramping up. While many enjoy this time of year, it can be a very stressful time of year. The statistics are alarming with suicide rates increasing, feelings of isolation rising, anxiety and stress triggered by pressure related to gift giving, socialising and budgeting through the season.
One effective process to help keep stress at bay is to:
1. Reflect
2. Relax
3. Refresh
4. Arrange
In this post, let’s look at Reflect and Relax! (Click here for Refresh and Arrange).
1. Reflect
We are often our toughest critics and that means we can easily dismiss or diminish the great work we’ve done. Add to the the lack of time we tend to take reflecting on work done because the next project is demanding our attention. Some clients who have not participated in a reflective practice perceive that the actual activity of reflection will take up too much time. It doesn’t have to! It also doesn’t have to be complicated.
Scroll back through your 2019 calendar and answer these questions for yourself:
a. What are the wins I’ve had this year?
b. What are the ‘near wins’ I’ve had this year?
c. What did I learn from 2019?
d. What am I proud of about my team?
e. What am I proud of about myself?
Your call to action: I’d love to know your answer for question e. What am I proud of about myself? – Please do hit the button below and share so I can cheer you on as well.
2. Relax
While you have your calendar open, schedule some ‘down time’ so that you can take that well earned break and relax. Even if you can only take a few hours here and there, guard them ferociously. Most people want to do their best but that’s not possible when running on empty. This may be even more important at this time of year, irrespective of what you celebrate at this time of year.
Ways you can relax:
- Take a nap
- Meditate (or listen to a guided meditation) / Mindfulness – I love Smiling Mind
- Enjoy reading some fiction
- Take a slow stroll in the park or in your garden
- Lie down with your feet above your head
- Do some gentle stretching
- Try out a float experience
- Get a massage
- Roll a tennis ball under your feet
- Ask for an extra long scalp massage when you get your haircut
- Call a friend and catch up
- Play with your pet
- Watch some comedy
- Listen to a podcast
You no doubt know how you like to relax, the key is to actually going and doing it. You are worth it.
Click here for Refresh and Arrange.